Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Slogger Awakens

Now in the the 2nd week of freedom/joblessness/limbo. Trying to keep routines. Job search, meditation, running, music practice, house repair and cleaning too.

Why am I doing this blog?
Thought experiment?, keeping the typing hands limber?, emotional release? Is it a version of the morning papers where you free flow write whatever comes out?
I'm doing this for myself but I kept checking for page views. Why? that makes no sense.
I am contradiction.
No one really want to read this, besides it will not last too long any way. maybe a week or two. Typing shit up and sending it into the void.

I spend most of the days alone.  A couple hours interaction with Wife and Kiddo.
Come to think of it I was also alone while at my job.  I mean I was in an office with people but that was just mindless small talk, going thru the motions.
I'm not bothered by it.  I like myself and I'm comfortable in my own head.
Sometimes I do wonder what it's like to be the person who walk into a room full of stranger and comes out with a bunch of friends.  Strange.  You have to think it's a vibe given off, an aura that surrounds a person.  What the fuck do I know?

Another day in the life.  Getting by is good enough!


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